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Discover your breath in physical, emotional, and spiritual places you never knew existed, and restore a deeper connection to your True Self.

Are you ready to experience a profound change in the way you think of breathwork and your relationship with your breath? Would you like to experience the power of the breath to support physical and emotional healing?


If your answer is yes, please join me in a journey of Healing Breathwork, a meditative breathwork that calms your nervous system, tones your respiratory muscles, stills your mind, and deepens your connection to your True Self.


Rather than a breathing technique, Healing Breathwork enables you to cultivate a relationship with your unique breath as you open to its natural movements. A Healing Breathwork session is a guided progression of breath awareness, breath modification, and meditation  all in a comfortable, reclining position. It is a sequential process that supports profound states of stillness, transpersonal experiences, and healing. 



Healing Breathwork is a practice for your soul, working through the miracle of your breath.​




  • $440 for an initial 8-session package (60-75 minutes each session)

  • Thereafter, $60 per individual session or $220 for 4 sessions​






Q: Why do I have to purchase 8 sessions at once for private sessions?

A: The breathwork is progressive and I want you to experience it fully. I sometimes offer small group sessions on Zoom that are less customized to your individual needs, but have a lower price per person. If you have taken one of these, then if you wish to proceed with private sessions, we will begin where we left off in the group sessions, and we can discuss per-session pricing.


Q: What is the frequency of private sessions?

A: Once or twice a week is ideal, but if you must skip sessions, that is not a problem. We will still be progressing.


Q: Where will the sessions be held?

A: We can use Zoom, or we can arrange for in-person sessions at your quiet place or mine. 


Q: What is your training in this kind of breathwork?

A: Most yoga teacher training curriculum includes the study of pranayama, or breathwork. I am grateful I was exposed during my training to several breathwork approaches and techniques that I still practice and teach today. As I became more curious about, and frankly fascinated with the breath, I trained under masters like Leslie Kaminoff of The Breathing Project, and author of Yoga Anatomy. I studied with Bernie Clarke, author of Yin Yoga, who supports a variety of breathing techniques to prepare the body for yin yoga. Most recently I spent 2 years of study under Kathleen Barratt of the Barratt Breath Institute to enhance my knowledge of and personal experience with Restorative Breathwork®. Kathleen has trained and mentored me to facilitate this profound and transformational breathwork since early 2020. I am especially attracted to her approach to breathwork, as it does not ask us to work at our breath, but rather to allow and accept it, thereby making room for breakthroughs and transpersonal experiences.


Q: How do I get started? A: For private sessions, please contact me for an initial short consultation. If you wish to proceed, I will take payment and we will set up your preferred schedule. For group sessions, please go here.


More questions? Contact me!


Site for BRIGHT PATH YOGA by Janet Hennard

© 2017

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